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Advance Health Care Directive


No one wants to think about their own death or dying, but it is a reality. An accident can happen any day. You could be diagnosed with a terminal illness.

If you do not have a plan established on end-of-life care or medical treatment preferences for when you are incapacitated and cannot speak for yourself, decisions will have to be made by family members.

That can be a source of in-fighting and guilt. You do not want that. 

Advance directives are legal documents that allow you to clearly articulate your preferences regarding lifesaving medical interventions. They can set forth instructions on various matters and come in several forms.

At The Law Offices of John R. Coniglio, we will take the time to discuss your options. An advance directive may include the following:

  1. Living Will — A ‘living will' states what kind of medical treatment you should receive if you are too sick or injured to express your wishes or give informed consent.
  2. Do-not-resuscitate order — A DNR instructs medical personnel to refrain from performing CPR, electric shocks, and other lifesaving measures if a person's breathing or heartbeat stops. A DNR can prevent someone from being sustained on life support if they are brain dead.
  3. Durable power of attorney — This form of power of attorney, which is specific to healthcare decisions, is a common type of advance directive. In the event that you are not able to make decisions about your medical treatment, a durable power of attorney authorizes someone you trust to make decisions on your behalf.

At The Law Offices of John R. Coniglio, we formulate clear documents to prevent misinterpretation or argument. This way, your family can avoid expensive litigation and move forward.

Planning for your future health care is an important part of your estate plan. It is not something to be avoided. Peace comes with being prepared. Attorney, John R. Coniglio will walk you through the steps of a healthcare directive and all other components of an estate plan that suit your needs and wants. 


Let the Law Offices of John R. Coniglio help you make sound choices for your estate, family, and beneficiaries.

Attorney, John R. Coniglio is ready to help.

The Law Offices of John R Coniglio provide estate planning representation for clients throughout California and in Santa Cruz County, Monterey County, San Benito County. You can count on Attorney, John R. Coniglio for guidance and support customized to your wishes and estate planning goals.

Advice You Can Trust

Contact us today to schedule an appointment.